My Diary 2003

Yesterday is History, Tommorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why we call it the Present

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A New Chapter?

Saw your face
Amidst all that crowed
Happily grinning away
Saw that face
Looking around
When everyone was on the move

Saw your face
When I said they had prolly left
The disappointment
But yet a glimmer of hope
Saw your face
Apparently he had not left

You grabbed me
By my wrist
Tugging me behind
Felt what it was like
For the first time
Being led by you

From wrist
It transferred
Down to hand
Wondering what was in your mind than
Perhaps it was due to your childlike nature
The feeling of chasing a fan

Let you go
And you shot forward
Darting around through the crowed
Just to get a close up
The excitement
The happiness
The joy

Felt the pain
And your joy
When you smacked me all the way to MAC
It was only skin pain
Worth every bit as you grinned ear to ear

The night when you plopped on my shoulder
But went back up again
The feeling of warmth
And wanting more…

I need more time
To know you
To know me
Shouldn’t take too long ya
Looking forward to the next weekend…
It's too short to know anything


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