I thought things could be as before
But I was wrong
Suddenly realized how tired I have become
How sick I have gotten everything
Must be my character flaw…
Realized that I was still worried
But sick of everything
Worried that if I moved ahead
And looked back
Only to see you fall
You will fall
It is just a matter of time
And I guess I should just let you fall
Cos that is the only way you will learn
The only way you learn to move on
Feeling very tired
Feeling very sick
Of all the complaining
And bluffing of yourself
Don’t want to ignore you
Don’t want to avoid you
But if I don’t
We will only be moving in cycles
I have to move ahead first
I don’t mean to leave you alone
You gotta learn to pick up yourself
You have to walk this particular path alone
Avoiding and ignoring doest equal that we can no longer be friends
It is just a time to let things calm down
And I will take a rather long time
That’s me
Realized I cannot stand overly sticky people
Cannot stand people who constantly make me worried
A little is good
But anything in excess becomes unhealthy
You take care
Once again
But I have really done my best
This is my resolute
Bankai..... Has begun