My Diary 2003

Yesterday is History, Tommorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why we call it the Present

Saturday, May 12, 2007

May I Know you please?

Seriously I don’t know what is happening
I think I need to walk back to square one…
Am not walking in step anymore
And I do not really like it…
I need someone to talk to
Am I creating a barrier unknowingly around myself?
No one likes to be pushed aside I guess…
May I read your mind for a while?
Can I know what I want
Can I know what you want
Can we all know what we want?
This is the time when I feel really helpless…
But than again…
It’s been quite a while
Are you the one?
I really need more time…
Hope I have not blown anything…

Monday, May 07, 2007

Deep Thoughts, Fickle Thoughts, Shallow Thoughts...???

Amused, Aroused, Amazed
Delighted, Excited,
But still a little calm
Deep inside
What does it mean?
Has it got meaning?
This is different from what it ever was
But can it wait?
Should it let it
Should I pursue it
What is it going to be…
Dear Tweety
My mind is in a whirl
I know
I think it do
Know what I want
But can it be so?
Can it be that way
When will I be able to have a confirmation…
Guys always should start the first move…
I’m scared…
Was that a sign in the bus?
Am I that blur
Or am I too sensitive
I am really not sure…
Let’s stop here for now…