My Diary 2003

Yesterday is History, Tommorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why we call it the Present

Friday, June 01, 2007

Lets just get over and done with it

Had enough
Thought enough
Felt enough
Broke enough

It is just enough
no more
over with it

Life Goes on
I have to move on
This sounds stupid i know
But yes
I am still a child in this area

Too bad
So sad
Life Goes on...
But I really hate talking to a wall
It just makes me feel like an ars...
Have I mistrusted?
I seriously hope not...
If so, i will me really pissed... thats the side that hasn't come up for a long while...
Trust me, you won't like it when i get pissed...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sick and Tired

This world seems to be filled with deception and lies.
Hate it
Enough of it
But yet
I really do not know what i am feeling right now...
One step at a time ba
But i am also ready to give it all up and let go altogether
and when that is done
there will be no turning back.
All you'll see is stone