Onion stings
The most painful thing to go through
Is to see one of your best friends suffer
To know you could have done something
But yet didn’t do
To want to go forward and prevent
Yet withholding
Not wanting to see you go through
Given the advice
But yet still faulting
Why can’t you see?
Why can’t you understand?
If you can’t take care of yourself
How are you going to take care of others?
To avoid seeing and feeling the pain
I will have to look away
In order to look away
I have to avoid
Why must it end up in this manner?
What can I do to make you understand?
Not that I don’t want to be your friend anymore
But I can’t bear to see
Yet not move
It’s a struggle within
It will end when this year comes to an end
Will it?
Can you make it in time?
Please do…
Someone told me you can cut onions in water to prevent the sting
Can we change environment?